Gastronomy 19 dezembro, 2018

3 easy comfort food recipes for winter

Theres’ nothing better than a comfort food on the coldest season of the year. That’s why we’ve selected some easy, quick and warm recipies for these months:

Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkins are this season’s vegetable, and why not use them to make a warm and comforting cream? Start braising the leek in olive oil then add chopped pumpkins, water, salt, and pepper letting them boil until the pumpkin is very tender. Use a stick blender to puree the soup. Serve it with some croutons.


Cheese Bread

This is a typical Brazilian snack that is loved around the world. Combine the 200ml milk, 200ml water, 100ml oil and salt in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Turn off the stove and add 500g manioc starch and mix it well. Wait a couple of minutes and add two eggs and 100g grated parmesan cheese mixing one more time. Shape the balls and place them on a baking sheet bringing it to a preheated oven for about 40min.


Roasted Chestnuts

You might even find them already roasted on the corner of the quarry but roasting them in your own oven has a special flavor – and you don’t need to leave the warmth of your home. Firstly, preheat the oven at 200ºC and use that time to do cut the chestnuts slightly – be careful to not chop them. Arrange them on a baking sheet and put some salt. Transfer the chestnuts to the oven and roast them until the skins have pulled back from the cuts and the nutmeats have softened.

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